Resource program: In this program the student is placed in a general education homeroom, but receives some of his/her major subject instruction in a small-group setting in a different room. This option is often chosen when the student’s academic levels differ more significantly from those of the general education students. (Offered in all buildings)
Speech/language therapy program that serves students with individual education programs & early intervention for speech/language impairments (Offered in all buildings)
Integrated Pre-School for All Program provides a less restrictive setting for students with disabilities ages 3-5. A blended model is utilized in this setting and is one in which teachers and clinicians with different areas of expertise and those who are usually funded under different funding streams are co-located and work together within the same setting. This approach can be useful for combining children from two or more separate programs within the same classroom. In a blended model, personnel in the setting include those who would be present in each individual site if the programs were not co-located. They work together to plan and implement the daily routines and activities of the program. The needs and goals of children with disabilities are addressed within this overall context. (Offered in the following elementary buildings: Emerson, Jane Addams, Lincoln, Melrose Park, Garfield, Roosevelt & Washington Dual Language Academy)
The Deaf & Hard of Hearing Program serving EC-8th grade students who may be Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or have other needs related to hearing loss. The program is supported by Deaf & Hard of Hearing teachers, Speech and Language Pathologist, American Sign Language Interpreter, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Social Worker, Audiologist, and other related service providers as warranted. (Located but not limited to: Lincoln Elementary School & Stevenson Middle School)
The RISE Program (Reaching Independence through Structured Environment) serves students PreK-5th grade with low incidence disabilities. The program is supported by Special Education Teachers, Occupational Therapist, Social Worker, Behavioral Intervention Specialist, Physical Therapist, Speech and Language Pathologists, and other related service providers as warranted. (Located in Lincoln Elementary School)
The STRIDE Program (Structured Teaching Reinforced in a Differentiated Environment) serves students with low incidence disabilities grades 6th-8th grade. The program is supported by a Special Education Teacher, Occupational Therapist, Social Worker, Behavioral Intervention Specialist, Physical Therapist, Speech and Language Pathologists, and other related service providers as warranted. (Located in Stevenson Middle School)
The STARS Program (Successful Transitions Achieved with Responsive Support) serves students with low incidence disabilities grades PK—5th. The STARS program provides academic and functional programs that aim to create a safe and meaningful learning environment for students with low incidence disabilities. The Stars program utilize a multi-modality approach to learning that teaches generalization across all environments. The focus is on instructional strategies and life skills to create an effective learning environment. Students utilize structured and motivational environments. Students receive supports to complete activities at highest independent level, practice independence in daily living skills for self-care management, learn functional academic curriculum, social skills curriculum, and community based instruction. Students engage in therapeutic group sessions (Music Therapy, Art Therapy, and Recreational Therapy) and participate in early vocational exposure such as cooking, community awareness, and daily living skills. The program is supported by a Special Education Teacher, Occupational Therapist, Social Worker, Behavioral Intervention Specialist, Physical Therapist, and Speech and Language Pathologists, and other related service providers as warranted. (Located in Garfield Elementary School)
Private/Parochial/Homeschool is an option for children with disabilities to receive services when attending a private school located within the district boundaries. The services provided are determined at the annual Timely and Meaningful Consultation (TMC) Meeting. Individualized Service Plan (ISP) services are limited compared to students receiving Individualized Education Program (IEP) services.
Private/Therapeutic School Placement is an option for students with intense needs to ensure FAPE is provided. The IEP team works collaboratively with the alternative placement facility. Within these settings students will receive Special Education Services and related services as warranted in their IEP.
Procedural Safeguards