Education Committee
Meeting Schedule: As needed
Chair: Board Member Kasharii Parker
Administrative Contact: Associate Superintendent of Academic Excellence, Yasmeen Muhammad
Primary Purpose: To discuss educational, curricular, instructional, and assessment matters of the district.
Finance Committee
Meeting Schedule: The second Thursday of every month and as needed
Chair: Board Member Jesse Macias
Administrative Contact: Business Manager, Scott Wold
Primary Purpose: To discuss matters about facilities, finance, and technology.
The Board Finance Committee oversees all operational aspects of the district, including budget, finance, food service, buildings and grounds, construction, technology, and transportation. The Committee discusses proposed projects, meets with architects, reviews the results of public bids, monitors district expenditures and the overall budget, and helps develop a solid foundation for the educational program. The Finance Committee recommends all operational matters requiring Board approval to the entire Board.
Policy Committee
Meeting Schedule: Every other month and as needed
Chair: Board Member Regina Rivers
Administrative Contact: Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Dr. Algeanna Griffin
Primary Purpose: To discuss and recommend the primary business of a Board – policy making.
Parent Advisory Committee
Meeting Schedule: Quarterly for parent leadership development training or scheduled as needed
Chair: Board Vice President, Shakeesta Williams
Administrative Contact: Associate Superintendent of Academic Excellence, Yasmeen Muhammad
Primary Purpose: To increase effective communication and foster increased parent involvement.
Special Board Meetings
Meeting Schedule: As needed, subject to Board discretion
Chair: Board President Regina Rivers
Administrative Contact: Superintendent, Dr. Michelle Hassan
Primary Purpose: To conduct any Board business that requires timely discussion or cannot be scheduled during a regular meeting.